Free Checking Accounts that Make the Grade
Student life is far from simple, and it gets even crazier when you add other obligations to the mix. Are you going to school while working, raising a family, or even running your own business? Keeping all parts of your busy life on-track requires convenient, flexible, and safe access to your money, without unexpected charges or requirements.
At State Bank of Chilton, we have a variety of free checking account options, including free checking, debit cards, online banking, and bill payment. These options allow you to avoid monthly service fees and still get the unique features you want and need. From unlimited check writing to a checking account that earns interest for you, our team at State Bank of Chilton is happy to help you find the right choice. Contact Us today to learn more or to open an account.
SBC FREE Checking:
- NO minimum balance required
- NO per check fees
- Unlimited check writing
- FREE State Bank of Chilton Visa Check Card
Contact State Bank of Chilton today to see how you can get started!
Let Us Help You With Your Banking Needs
From checking to loans and everything in between, we have you covered. Contact Us today to see how we can help you attain personalized products and services to meet your unique needs.